A step towards light
We work towards ensuring a happy life for those who need it the most.
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Become A Volunteer
The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Your time can be of great help to us for helping others
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With little you can create big difference. You can empower others through your donations by giving monthly, annually or just one time.
Become A Partner
A corporate partnership with NishaKiran Foundation is a relationship of respect and commitment to giving aid where it’s needed the most.
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Our Work Promise To Uphold The Trust Placed
The tender loving care of human beings will never become obsolete. People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed. Never throw out anybody”. ― Sam Levenson.
Inspired by this philosophy, NishaKiran Foundation was incorporated for bringing changes in the lives of underprivileged children, disadvantaged elderly people,